And so it began - a career that has spanned over 55 years dedicated to making fine jewellery.

Dads apprenticeship began in Richmond Street, a mere 50 yards from where we are now and little did he know it would shape his entire future. There he met another talented Goldsmith named David M Robinson
and when he took over the business Dad joined him as Head Goldsmith.
Ambition finally got the better of him and on 9th April 1979, Dad opened what would grow into the Wongs you see today.
"I will never forget that day, the hum of the machinery, the scent of the polishing compound, the tap of the hammer, all magic to the eyes and ears of a young boy."
It was at this moment Goldsmithing got into my blood and so at the age of 16, 30 years after Dad began, I joined straight from school. Learning the basics, making the tea, sweeping the floor... apprentice’s tasks.
"I was fortunate to have a Master Craftsman as my tutor."
Words cannot express the satisfaction and sheer enjoyment that comes from hand making jewellery, but it is evident in the fine balance of artistry and precision of our finished pieces. The quest for perfection was drummed into me from an early age, every process must be completed to the highest standard and nothing less will do.
Dad uses an expression which sums up perfectly the journey Wongs has taken in its 38 year history
"We've come down to go up in the world".
The workshop founded on the 3rd floor of the office block at 26th North John Street
The first floor of 31 Mathew Street
The ground floor of 5 Rainford Square - Our first true retail space
The flagship store you see today previously Hessey's the famous guitar store where The Beatles, Sir Paul McCartney bought his first guitar
We are proud of our growth but we've never lost touch with the most important aspect of Wongs Jewellers - you, our customer. Brian now in his 70's still sits 'at the bench,' inspiring and teaching our next generation of talented goldsmiths the basics.
His mantra is simple "Do a job so no one can do it better".
All, so you and your next generations will enjoy a piece of Wongs.
Registered Address
BSP Partners Ltd
Oriel House
2-8 Oriel Road
L20 7EP
United Kingdom